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Abdul Fattah kartoumh Sons company
Contact Information
Name: Adel kartoumh
Address: Dahyat Al Assad
City: Damascus
Country: Syria
963 11 512 3448
963 93 323 0040
963 11 511 4059
Our company its from the first industrial companies that contributed in the support of the industry in the construction sector in Damascus / Syria, since beginnings last century he was the foundation of the company and by the first industrial record ( an industrial record is the number of 1 ) in Damascus and we sought since that time until now the development of our production and our services and making them more qualitative and your expensive confidence has helped us by our products to the expansion of our works field to other various fields .

We entered the industry of the marbles and the automatic block, interlock and we prepared group of dust deportation vehicles and we also established office for cement and building materials sale.

Also our company can supply you high quality block and interlock industry machines.

We in Abdul Fattah kartoumh's sons group seek for construction industry that provides the better products and the services by the better prices.
Visit us at Buildex from 12-16 of May
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  marbles, automatic block, interlock , cement , building materials