This section is sponsored by
Syria - Aleppo
Services & Companies
- Import and Export
Import and Export
Al-Akram Trading
Alramosa Alsalam Street
963 21 222 1217
Hebbo Fayad company
Alermon - Albarad Junction - Across the SBS Zippers Center
963 21 263 8545
Al Najjar company
Syria - Aleppo
963 21 363 4450
Alazz Co.
Syria - Aleppo
963 21 212 1573
Aziza brothers company
Syria - Aleppo
963 21 336 2348
China trading center
AL Slemanyeh
963 21 460 5133
Jozef Brghel
Syria - Aleppo
963 21 221 6692
Mohamad Alsayed sons
Syria - Aleppo
963 21 362 3421
Soultan Sabagh sons
Syria - Aleppo
963 21 221 2661
This section is sponsored by